CREËREN is a Netherlands based non-profit foundation, whose mission is to promote art – in all its forms – as an instrument for achieving social transformation. Our goal is to offer the community artistic productions and educational/art workshops, specially aimed at vulnerable sectors.

Our artistic and educational projects are based on the pedagogy of Education through Art, which fundamental idea is that every individual is capable of expressing himself in a unique way and the various artistic languages can be used as instruments for this purpose.

CREËREN aims to generate an itinerant working group composed of educators and or artists who will work both face-to-face and virtually to carry out the various stages of the project.
Technology and social networks will be essential tools to make the project work in a communicative way.

The purpose of this project is to create and coordinate a working group comprising educators and artists, at local and international level, and to provide free workshops for different artistic disciplines, as well as to bring people closer to artistic performances. The proposal is aimed at vulnerable sectors within the Dutch territory.
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